Thursday, 5 January 2012

What Inspires you?

What inspires you? 

Assalamualaikum. The clock is showing 3.30 am. I was alone writing this entry, while my beloved husband and kids is still sleeping soundly (guess what, one is snoring hehe- well at least I don't feel lonely.).

When I start my designer profession, I was actually, not planning to go this deep (Never thought a nurse graduate would jump into designing).I was far from what I learn, since secondary school until in my university years. Sciences subject, biology, chemistry... nursing theories...non are related to what I am doing right now.Guess what? I am thankful to Allah to show me the way to be what I am now.

Talking about Inspiration.
It is the core thing for motivation.
inspiration makes you smile...makes you believe that nothing is impossible.

Like me, when I found it is impossible for me to cover all the htmls, css, coding etc (huh...those web jargon), I will stop for a while. Get some rest, and find my inspiration source.
Inspiration- get inspired.

Children, family- When I look my babies faces, I will think of a bright, comfortable future for them. I will imagine sending them to school, buy them new clothes, and of course buy them toys that I could not get when I was a child. When I look at my husband face (when he is sleeping of course, if he is awake, he will give that fishy look), I would imagine buying him new clothes and shoes. We have face our hard times since we are married-financially speaking. I will also imagine helping him set up his business dream-he want to be a gardener---mouth gasping? -- A gardener on his own land :).

Friends- I was blessed with lots of great friends. I have best friends, best schoolmates, best bridesmaids... huhu...lot of great friends, with great great great heart. Starting the list would be my Lely Mariati, which is my Kareena kapoor in RA. One (becoming my top movie now). How do she inspires me? Her patience! She is a cool person, got great job, blessed with a handsome, cool hubby, and cute daughter. I know her since I am in form 4 (MRSM KT), until now. I am so close to her, so close that I can call her parent ayah and ma :)

Successful WAHMs- I see a lot of successful women out there. Most of them started from scratch, while nursing their babies, while holding their babies in their laps... My list would start with Mawaddah Sabarudin. She's a mother, wife, entrepreneur... good friend, awesome seller..(okay to much credit and Mawaddah will also give me a fishy look).She is the one who inspires me to start my designing career. She is my source for answers when i'm in doubet about my designs... hehe...Mawaddah you really inspired me dear :)

Me- Hehe, how can people get inspired by themselves?

I am inspired of "me" because
- I love drawing and sketching since I was a child- A good start
- I love computers and designs since I know how to use them (it was quite late actually).
-I love my ambition to pursue my studies in Health information system-
- I have face a lot of phases in life, which could hold me drowning, yet, I am still here, smiling and ticktacking the keyboard :)

On all the list I have said, there is one thing would be on top of all, which I couldn't rank, the blessings and guidance from Allah :)

Inspiring, how a little girl, love drawing, pursue studies in health science, jump into IT-and one day pursue my ambition to be a Health Informatics specialist :) What happens to my life, the ups and downs, the lost and found, the love and hate, the birth and lost... all has been a good thing, with His Guidance.Alhamdulillah :) Thank you Allah

Like to share one lyric
Munsyid : Maher Zain

(Credit: )

Everytime you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost
That your so alone
All you is see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can`t see which way to go
Don`t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insya Allah3x
Insya Allah you`ll find your way
Everytime you can make one more mistake
You feel you can`t repent
And that its way too late
Your`re so confused,wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame
Don`t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insya Allah3x
Insya Allah you`ll find your way
Insya Allah3x
Insya Allah you`ll find your way
Turn to Allah
He`s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don`t let me go astray
You`re the only one that showed me the way,
Showed me the way 2x
Insya Allah3x
Insya Allah we`ll find the way

Ending this post with Maher Zain -Insya Allah :)--Get inspired ...


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